Guardianship and Curatorship matters

Guardianship shall be established with the aim of exercising, protecting and defending the rights and interests of a legally incapable person. Curatorship shall be established with the aim of protecting and defending the rights and interests of a person of limited active capacity. The guardian and the curator shall represent their wards under law and shall defend the rights and interests of legally incapable persons or persons of limited active capacity without any special authorization. The guardian shall be entitled…

Maintenance order questions

If the parents (or one of the parents) fail in the duty to maintain their underage children, the court may issue a maintenance order in an action brought by one of the parents or the child’s guardian (curator) or the state institution for the protection of the child’s rights. A maintenance order may also be issued if on divorce or on separation the parents did not agree on the maintenance of their underage children in the procedure provided. The court…