Mediation in buying – selling the company

Mediation is seen as a possible effect of the counterparty to encourage it to contract award, mediation may also include customer search, contact with customers maintenance, advertising and so on. According to the company‘s purchase and sale agreement the seller undertakes to transfer to the buyer ownership of the company as a proprietorship or a substantial part, except for the rights and obligations which the seller may not give to others, and the buyer undertakes to accept it and pay…

Search for investors

During economic and commercial activities, expanding it, sometimes it is important to raise additional capital. In this case finding new investors is very important. The investor is defined as a person who invests capital market financial values. The investment objective is to support some activities in order to get more profit, or at least no less than was invested. Investing in the potential of the different asset classes, but the most popular is to invest in securities. It is important…

Representation at bailiff’s office during recovery

Read more about the article Representation at bailiff’s office during recovery
Representation at bailiff’s office during recovery

The representation is civil legal relationship that arises between representative and the one who’s being represented. A bailiff shall be a person authorised by the State, empowered by it to perform the functions of enforcement of writs of execution, to make material ascertainments on the factual circumstances, to serve proceedings and carry out any other functions provided by law. A bailiff may provide the services set forth in this Law unless this interferes with the performance of the bailiff’s functions.A…

Representation in state and municipal institutions

Read more about the article Representation in state and municipal institutions
Representation in state and municipal institutions

Relationship of representation arises when, on behalf of interest of the person, legal actions are performed by other person, a representative. Representatives act on behalf of the representative and so the representative becoms a party of legal action, it is to him, and not representative that will have consequences. In Lithuania Civil Code Article 2.132 states that individuals have the right to transact through their representatives, but there are also a kind of transactions which can not be made through…