If You are interested how to establish company in Lithuania, this article help to understand and realise how to do it, by using few simple rules and steps.
1 step:
Right company name (Choose company name)
Company name can be selected easily. For Legal aspects of the company: name does not oppose with the laws of the public interest, principles of humanity and morality, public policy and of course – sound insulting. Before company name choosing, it is necessary to check the legal person or the Trademark Register, to look maybe company name existing by other company.
2 step:
Company establishment documents preparation and signing
Since you already have a compmany name, you will be able to complete the required documents. If a company is established by one person , then it is signed by a special act of incorporation. And if there are several founders, then prepared Treaty.
Required documents:
Articles of Incorporation (founding act);
the company’s articles of association;
founders of the Protocol (decision);
The list of shareholders.
3 step:
Open a bank account
Bank account can be opened online or upon arrival directly to the bank branch. Your bank account can be able to manage the bank’s branches or Internet banking. If you need to employ a few or a dozen employees, you will definitely use the bank offers comfortable salary transfer solutions and their conditions.
4 step:
Notary approval
Established company founder application for registration of the legal entity or its branch, company incorporation documents must first submit a notary. Notary checks the following documents. An overview of their certainty and establishing documentation of the laws requirements.
Register at the Register of Legal Entities
Before submitting, registration request to register a company, notary must confirm the validity of the data in the application is written in statutes, compliance with regulatory requirements and the fact that a company can be registered.
We ofer all company establishing process trust to lawyers who have a lot of experience. They understand the specifics of establishing, and help you better, faster and most important establish company in high quality.
If You are interested in company registration, and want to do business in Lithuania. Contact us:
E- mail : info@tga.lt
Tel: +37063041444
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