Tax Calculation and Management in Lithuania

Under the applicable laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the tax to be paid shall be calculated by the taxpayer himself and/or the withholding agent (hereinafter referred to as the taxpayer). After having noticed that the tax was erroneously calculated, the taxpayer has to recalculate it, except for the land… (read more)

Private Detective in Lithuania

It is a person hired by private persons and companies to carry out an independent investigation. His/her task is, in accordance with the client's orders, to investigate cases in connection with damages, blackmail, adultery etc. We provide private detective services in Lithuania and, on request, collect (provide) information. We want to help people in different situations, to analyse them, advise people in detective-related matters. In our activities, we use the latest technologies and reliable information resources; also, we ensure customer…

Questions on divorce

A marriage may be dissolved by the mutual consent of the spouses, on the application of one of the spouses or through the fault of a spouse (spouses). A marriage may be dissolved by the mutual consent of the spouses provided all the following conditions have been satisfied:   1)over a year has elapsed from the commencement of the marriage; 2)the spouses have made a contract in respect of the consequences of their divorce (property adjustment, maintenance payments for the…

Separation questions

One of the spouses may apply to the court for the approval of the separation if due to certain circumstances, which may not depend on the other spouse, their life together has become intolerable (impossible) or can seriously prejudice the interests of their minor children or the spouses are no longer interested in living together. Both spouses may jointly apply to the court for the approval of their separation if they have made a contract concerning the consequences of their…

Marriage contracts

A marriage contract shall mean an agreement of the spouses defining their property rights and duties during the marriage as well as on divorce or separation. Spouses shall have a right to stipulate in the marriage contract  that:   property acquired both before and during the marriage shall be theproperty of each spouse; individual property acquired by a spouse before the marriage shalljoint community property after the registration of the marriage; property acquired during the marriage shall be joint community property.

Guardianship and Curatorship matters

Guardianship shall be established with the aim of exercising, protecting and defending the rights and interests of a legally incapable person. Curatorship shall be established with the aim of protecting and defending the rights and interests of a person of limited active capacity. The guardian and the curator shall represent their wards under law and shall defend the rights and interests of legally incapable persons or persons of limited active capacity without any special authorization. The guardian shall be entitled…

Maintenance order questions

If the parents (or one of the parents) fail in the duty to maintain their underage children, the court may issue a maintenance order in an action brought by one of the parents or the child’s guardian (curator) or the state institution for the protection of the child’s rights. A maintenance order may also be issued if on divorce or on separation the parents did not agree on the maintenance of their underage children in the procedure provided. The court…

Restriction of parental authority questions

Where the parents (the father or the mother) fail in their duties to bring up their children or abuse their parental authority or treat their children cruelly or produce a harmful effect on their children by their immoral behaviour or do not care for their children, the court may make a judgement for a temporary or unlimited restriction of parental power (that of the father or the mother.) The court shall make judgements for temporary or unlimited indefinite restriction of…

Paternity (Maternity) challenging questions

Data on the mother or father of a child contained in the record of the child’s birth may be contested only in court. Data on the mother or father of a child entered in the record of the child’s birth on the basis of a res judicata judicial decision may not be contested. The paternity of a child born to a married couple or within three hundred days of the dissolution of marriage may be contested only by proving that…

Parental identification

Where the child is born out of wedlock, and in the absence of paternal acknowledgement, paternity affiliation may be determined by the court. Where a child is born to a married woman or the child’s paternity has been ascertained on the basis of an application acknowledging the child’s paternity,  paternity affiliation is possible only after a successful contesting of the data concerning the child’s father contained in the record of the child’s birth. The paternity of a dead person may…