Trademark’s industrial design registration in Lithuania

Trademark - Any sign designed - to distinguish one person's goods or services from another person's goods or services, and which can be represented graphically. Treated as a brand mark to designate services. An applicant who wishes to register a trademark, has to fill a form in the State Patent Bureau. An application for the registration of a mark shall consist of:   a request for the registration of a mark and issuance of the trade mark certificate signed by…

Formation of contract

Read more about the article Formation of contract
Formation of contract

The contract is between two or more persons to create, modify or terminate the civil legal relations, when one or more persons to commit to another person or persons to perform certain actions (or refrain from certain actions), and the latter acquires a right to claim. Parties are free to enter into contracts and discretion to determine the mutual rights and duties of the way that does not contradict the law. Another person can’t be compelled to conclude a contract,…

Preparation of complaints to the State Medical Audit Inspectorate, and to Patients health damage detection commission

A person because of inadequate health care action may complain to the State Health Care Accreditation Service. The patient or his representative shall submit a written complaint to the Authority in office on arrival, sending mail, courier, fax or e-mail by signing the electronic signature. The complaint must contain:   the addressee; patient's name, date of birth, address (actual address) and telephone number; complainant's personal data; subject of the complaint; whether the complaint on the same issue dealt with the…

Instituting Bankruptcy Proceedings

Bankruptcy in Lithuania - the state of an insolvent enterprise where bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated in court or the creditors are performing extrajudicial bankruptcy procedures in the enterprise. Bankruptcy proceedings means a civil case opened in court over disputes arising from legal relations connected with bankruptcy. Bankruptcy proceedings shall be instituted if the court establishes the presence of at least one of the following conditions:   the enterprise is insolvent; the enterprise has made a public announcement or in…

Legal Services for Business

The vast majority of services are provided in the business sector where we provide all types of assistance from the creation of a business idea to its implementation: setting up a company; providing complete service; drafting business plans; accounting; legal services; banking; representing clients in organizations and institutions etc. We have accumulated invaluable experience in successfully solving various business issues, such as: deals in oil trade, strategic issues for Lithuania in the energy field, medical supply wholesale, representation of clients…

Founding of a Public Establishment in Lithuania

A public establishment in Lithuania shall be a non-profit public legal person of limited civil liability, the aim of which is to satisfy public interests by carrying out the activities useful to the public. The founders of a public establishment may be state or municipal institutions and other persons who are not seeking personal benefit from the activities of this establishment and who have concluded the memorandum of association of the public establishment. The number of founders shall not be…

Incorporation of the private limited liability company in Lithuania

Private limited liability company in Lithuania is a legal person with limited liability whose authorised capital is divided into shares.  It may be formed for any business not prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. The amount of the authorised capital of a private limited liability company may not be less than LTL 10,000. A private limited liability company must limit the number of its shareholders to 250. The shares of a private limited liability company may not…

Incorporation of the public limited liability company in Lithuania

The public limited liability company - is a legal person with limited liability. The amount of the statutory capital of a public limited liability company may not be less than LTL 150,000. Its shares may be offered for sale and traded in publicly in compliance with the legal acts regulating securities market. The public limited liability company shall have its name defining the legal form it has taken including the words “akcinė bendrovė” (public limited liability company) or the acronym…

Real Estate separation in Lithuania

Read more about the article Real Estate separation in Lithuania
Real Estate separation in Lithuania

Property is classified as movable and immovable. Immovable objects is generally land and other items that relate to the land and can not be moved from one place to another without changing their purpose and considerable reduction of their value (buildings, equipment, plantations and other items in accordance with the purpose and nature is immovable). Land is a major immovable object. All immovable objects must be registered in the public register, only identified (statutory procedures) objects will be registered. Immovable…

Real estate purchase and sale transactions in Lithuania

Read more about the article Real estate purchase and sale transactions in Lithuania
Real estate purchase and sale transactions in Lithuania

Sales contract where one party (the seller) undertakes to transfer the item (product) to another party (the buyer) the property or trust, and the buyer undertakes to accept the item (product), and pay for it the sum of money (the price). Real estate shall be considered acording to law: land; buildings; flats in apartment buildings; the premises. Real estate purchase and sale contract must be in notary form. The real sale-purchase contract must include the price of the item for…